NEUROSONA to showcase at Korea Med-Tech Experience Pavilion > 보도자료


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NEUROSONA to showcase at Korea Med-Tech Experience Pavilion

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,184회 작성일 23-02-09 15:43


    Visit the Korean Med-Tech Experience pavilion at Arab Health 2023

     - Meet and collaborate with a range of excellent and pioneering medical device companies

     Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), a government organization associated with Ministry of Health and Welfare in Korea, 

     will hold the “KOREA MED-TECH EXPERIENCE PAVILION” at Arab Health from January 30 to February 2, 2023.

     Nine companies will be showcasing their medical products in the fields of surgery, diagnostics and medical imaging. 

     Five of the companies were selected by the Korean Government because of their pioneering medical technology that will advance healthcare.


    Nine companies to showcase at Korea Med-Tech Experience Pavilion

     - Neurosona specialises in development of focused ultrasound devices for treatment of brain diseases

     Neurosona, established in 2017, has a research support agreement with the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) of Harvard Medical School 

     and is leading the world in research and development of low-intensity focused ultrasound devices for treatment of brain diseases.

     Image-guided low-intensity focused ultrasound technology

     Neurosona’s low-Intensity focused ultrasound technology accurately transmits low-intensity acoustic energy with low heat generation from the brain cortex

     to the deep brain for neuromodulation or blood-brain barrier opening in specific brain areas. Since it hardly generates any heat, the technology is relatively safe 

     and it can accurately stimulate specific areas, including the deep brain.


     출처: Middle East Health (

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